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Hi. My name is Albert and I am probably the only one up here that is not begging for your vote. I just want you to check off the box next to my name when you receive a survey about student council. I know that you are all wondering why should you support me so I’ll tell you. I can represent the sixth grade because I am a problem-solver, a creative student, and a supportive soccer player with good heart, good soul, and good spirit. Even under pressure, I can be an efficient leader and represent the sixth grade. To improve the Newark Academy sixth grade spirit, I will raise funds and plan events. And I will support you. If you want somebody to listen to your ideas, someone you can trust, and a representative that will make you heard, support me. I promise to put in all my effort to represent you and help solve your problems. But to give you all I guaranteed, I will need you to vote, I mean, check off the box by my name. Remember, honest Alb never lies!Thank you.



大家好!我叫艾伯特, 我可能是这里唯一不乞求你们选票的参选者,你们要做的只是在学校发放调查表的时候,在我的名字上面打勾就可以了。

我知道你们都想知道为什么你们应该支持我, 那么我来告诉你。我能代表我们六年级, 因为我是一个问题解决者, 一个有创造力的学生, 还是一个有团队意识的足球运动员。

我有优秀的心、优秀的灵魂, 和优秀的精神。即使在压力下, 我也可以有效地领导和代表六年级。为了弘扬我们纽瓦克学院六年级的精神, 我将带领大家筹集各项资金,规划各种活动。我将支持你们。如果你想要别人倾听你们的想法, 一个可以信任的人做你们的代表, 那么来支持我。

我保证将尽我全力去帮助和解决你们的问题。但是为了实现我的承诺, 我先需要你们的投票, 我的意思是, 在我的名字上打勾勾就好。记住:诚实的艾伯特从不撒谎! 谢谢大家!




