

首页 > 范文大全 > 范文大全 > 三号文库

the Corporation. For this trading account ("Account") the

undersigned agrees to jointly a nd severally guarantee

personally the immediate, full a nd complete performance of any a nd all of the duties a nd obligations of this

Account a nd the payment of any a nd all damages, costs a nd expenses, which may become recoverable by

GME from the Corporation.

This guarantee shall remain in full force a nd effect until the termination of this client services agreement,

provided that the undersigned shall not be released from their obligations so long as the Account a nd any

obligations the Account has with GME lasts.

Personal Guarantee Acknowledgment

This guarantee shall inure to the benefit of GME, its successors a nd assigns, a nd shall be binding on the

undersigned a nd their heirs.

This assigns:

as Guarantor, Inspanidually Date Signature

____________________ _______________ ____________________

as Guarantor, Inspanidually Date Signature

____________________ ________________ _____________________

as Guarantor, Inspanidually Date Signature

____________________ ________________ _____________________



