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辽阔旖旎的野性草原体验一下蒙古人的野性豪放的生活,做一回纯正的蒙古人。 野性草原沙漠冲浪车、野性草原骑骆驼、沙漠卡丁车等精彩刺激的娱乐项目等着您!








在峡谷两侧悬崖上的一个个黑洞,就是著名的“藏兵洞”,所谓藏兵洞,是红山堡守军由地上转入地下,隐蔽军队,保护自己,伺机出击,或在空旷处设伏兵的地道。这在我国是保存较为完整的古代立体军事防御体系。在我国的长城防御体系中,把长城、城堡和地下藏兵洞紧密联系在一起的防御系统,全国这是独一处。 奇特的藏兵洞高出沟底10多米,蜿蜒曲折于悬壁之上中,上下相通,左右相连,洞中分叉路口颇多,左右盘旋,犹如迷宫久久不见尽头。洞内辟有居室、粮食储藏室、水井、灶台、兵器库、火药库、炮台、陷阱、暗器孔道等设施。











dear tourists

welcome to ningxia for sightseeing. first of all, please allow me tointroduce ningxia to you.

ningxia is located in the northwest inland area of the motherland, in themiddle and upper reaches of the yellow river, with a total land area of 66400square kilometers. now it has jurisdiction over yinchuan and shizuishan, yinnanand guyuan, wuzhong, qingtongxia and lingwu, 6 districts and 15 counties. thepopulation of the whole region is 5.36 million.

ningxia is the only hui autonomous region in china, and the hui populationaccounts for about 1 / 3 of the total population of the region. hui peoplebelieve in islam, and there are more than 3000 large and small mosques in thewhole autonomous region, so ningxia is also known as the "hometown of muslims"in china.

(history and culture)

ningxia is one of the birthplaces of chinese civilization. the excavationof shuidonggou site in lingwu city on the bank of the yellow river shows thathuman beings lived and multiplied in the paleolithic age 30000 years ago. in theqin dynasty, it belonged to beidi county, where the qin army garrisoned thefrontier to fight against the huns. in han dynasty, it was spanided into twoparts: shuofang and ciliang. in the tang dynasty, the economy of agriculture andanimal husbandry was greatly developed. at the beginning of the 11th century,the dangxiang nationality took ningxia as the center, established the xixiaregime and created the splendid xixia culture. after the yuan dynasty destroyedxixia, ningxia province was set up, which means "pacify xixia forever", so itbegan to have the name of ningxia. in the ming dynasty, ningxia wei wasreformed, and in the qing dynasty, gansu province was established. ningxiaprovince was founded in 1928. in 1654, the provincial system was abolished andspanided into inner mongolia and gansu provinces. ningxia hui autonomous regionwas established in 1958.

ningxia is located in the transitional zone between the central plainsculture and grassland culture, and also the blending zone of hetao culture andthe silk road. the ancient and far-reaching yellow river culture, distinctiveislamic culture, unique xixia culture, distinctive immigrant culture and richand broad frontier cultural tools have left many precious relics and explorationopportunities for future generations in this magical land the mystery of theworld.

(topography and climate)

tourists, the terrain of ningxia is high in the south and low in the ins and plateaus account for about 3 / 4 of the whole area. the rest isplain area, of which desert accounts for 8% of the area of ningxia. in terms ofterrain distribution, from north to south are helan mountain, ningxia plain,ordos grassland, loess plateau, liupan mountain, etc., with an average altitudeof more than 1000 meters. the helan mountains in the north stretch for 250kilometers and become the natural barrier of ningxia plain, while the lushliupan mountains in the south. the ancient yellow river flows northward throughthe central and northern parts of ningxia, with a total flow of 397 kilometersin ningxia and 12 counties and cities. the ningxia section of the yellow riverhas a wide water surface and is irrigated and cultivated. their hard work hasmade ningxia a beautiful "south of the yangtze river" with crisscross ditches,fragrant rice and fish, fragrant melons and fruits. this can be confirmed by thepoem of the tang dynasty poet "orchards under helan mountain, old famous innorthern and southern china".

in addition, ningxia is located in a high latitude, with large temperaturedifference between day and night, relatively high temperature of direct sunlightduring the day, significantly lower temperature of residual heat of air swept atnight, and about 15 ℃ temperature difference between day and night in rainy season is concentrated in summer, but the precipitation is a's sky is bright, "blue sky, white clouds floating, white clouds underthe horse run" is a true portrayal of ningxia's weather and customs.

(tourism landscape)

various types of natural landscape and eclectic multi-culturalcharacteristics bring rich tourism resources to ningxia. as "the last virginland of china's tourism", ningxia has been favored by tourists at home andabroad in recent years. when you come to ningxia for tourism, you can enjoy its"six characteristics" from different angles: ancient yellow river culture,majestic desert scenery, mysterious xixia dynasty, rich homecoming customs,charming six scenes, and beautiful south of the great wall. there are xixiamausoleum known as "oriental pyramid", 108 towers, the largest lama stylearchitectural complex in china, helan mountain rock painting, the pearl of sandsea, shapotou, and shahu lake, which is rated as one of china's 35 ace touristattractions by the national tourism administration. at present, some specialtourism projects have been developed, such as riding on sheep skin rafts,crossing the tengger desert by camel, imitating the ancient style of xixia, huicustoms, sand lake bird watching, walking on the great wall, ecologicalagriculture sightseeing and so on. the tour of ningxia has many points, a widerange, a long line, such as songs, poems, and paintings, giving people uniqueenjoyment.

(hui customs)

tourists, when they come to ningxia, they should especially accept thecustoms of the hui people, because ningxia is the area with the largest numberof hui people in china (the number of hui people in china's 55 ethnic minoritiesis second only to zhuang people). let's talk about the hui people's beliefs,programs, customs, emergencies and costumes.

hui people believe in islam, so they have a close relationship with the ming and qing dynasties, chinese islamic scholars introduced islamicdoctrines in terms of "purity and pollution", "truth is the only one", "supremelove and truth" and "allah's original supremacy is called halal". ancient islamwas also known as "halal religion". islamic mosque is called "mosque", muslimfood is called "halal food", muslim restaurants and food stores are used to usethe word "qingzhen" as a sign. there are more than 3000 mosques in ningxia, allover the country. according to the requirements of the ancient x sutra, huimuslims should observe five tasks, namely, recitation (prayer), ritual(worship), fasting (fasting), lesson (donation) and pilgrimage (pilgrimage).

islam's eid al fitr, guerbang festival and holy ji festival are also thethree major festivals of hui muslims. as the name suggests, eid al fitr is thefirst day after the end of ramadan. it is 70 days after eid al fitr. the arabicword "gurbang" means killing animals, so it is also called eid al fitr. the holyseason is held on the 12th of march every year to commemorate the birth ofmuhammad __, the founder of islam.

the hui nationality is also deeply influenced by islam in birth naming,marriage and funeral. after the birth of the hui children, they should be namedafter the imam, which is called "jing ming". after fulfilling the legalprocedures, the imam presided over the ceremony, recited the ancient x sutra andtestified the marriage of the hui youth. three days later, the bride and groomgo back to their parents' home, which is called "return door". the hui people'sfuneral is an earth burial, which advocates plain burial instead of the body is washed, it is wrapped in white cloth and buried in the earthcave. relatives first meet seven, and then meet the annual sacrifice. hui peoplehave good health habits. before worship, they have to take a bath. "xiaojing"washes their hair, hands and feet with a soup bottle, "dajing" washes theirwhole body with a hanging jar. the courtyard of hui nationality is clean andorderly. the bucket used to carry water is buckled on the stone slab, and thebucket used to lift water from the well is hung on the wall and cannot fall tothe ground.

hui people avoid idolatry. fasting of dead animals, blood, pigs, horses,donkeys, mules, dogs and other non ruminant animals. the hui people take martialarts and fitness as their virtue, so most of them have a long life.

in terms of clothing, most hui men wear small white or black hats, whichare called worship hats. women usually wear a white cap or cap without edge tocover their hair. girls usually wear green, married women wear black, and theelderly wear white. hui women like to wear earrings, rings, bracelets andheadwear.

(specialty and flavor)

tourists, the specialty and flavor of ningxia can be summed up in twosentences: "wu baoyao is a tourist, long thought, long thought, do not want toreturn."

ningxia's special products, which want to be praised by the world, aremedlar, licorice, helanshi, tanyangpi and nostoc flagelliforme. they are calledfive treasures because of their red, yellow, blue, white and black barbarum timely chinese medicine boutique, advantage kidney health ce is praised as "the king of traditional chinese medicine". the inkstonemade of helan stone is not only a practical product of the four treasures of thestudy, but also a precious craft collection. ningxia tan sheep is one of theexcellent fur sheep in china. it is usually made of tan sheep lambs' second furfor about one month. its excellent quality and unique style are well-known athome and abroad. nostoc flagelliforme is one of the "eight treasures", which hasboth edible function and medicinal value. however, digging nostoc flagelliformewill seriously damage the environment and lead to land ore, nostoc flagelliforme has been listed as a national first-class keyprotected and managed wild sand fixing plant, and its collection and sale areprohibited.

the local flavor of ningxia is unique because it has chinese traditionalflavor. its halal flavor snacks are not only cherished by the majority ofmuslims, but also enjoyed by people of all ethnic groups. they are fragrant withoil, crispy and crisp sanzi, as well as the most distinctive beverage, gaiwantea. muslim chefs also created a series of muslim dishes, such as bowl steamedsheep, instant boiled mutton, crystal sheep head, stewed beef tendon, braisedmutton, pan fried duck, pigeon egg steamed vegetables, sweet and sour yellowriver carp and so on. among them, "eight bowls", the hui people's feast withstew as the main dish, is the hui people's festive feast. ningxia snacks alsoinclude beef and mutton, tuanbao, niangpizi, hui rape, niuganba, etc., withvarious names and characteristics. there is a snack street in the downtown areaof yinchuan. tourists may as well go through the streets and enjoy it.

dear tourists, this is the general situation of ningxia. maybe after youtake you to ningxia, you will feel the same sigh as me: ningxia is the mostbeautiful after you travel all over the mountains and rivers!




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普氏野马体型健硕,体长约2.8米,高1米以上,体重约为300公斤 编号013 水洞沟出土石器展示







dear tourists, welcome to visit the shuidonggou ancient human culturalsite. shuidonggou site is located in shuidonggou village, linhe town, lingwucity, ningxia. it is 30 kilometers away from lingwu city in the south, 19kilometers away from yinchuan city in the west, 11 kilometers away from hedongairport, and connected with ejian banner of inner mongolia in the north,covering an area of 7.8 square kilometers. scientific research found thatshuidonggou area is the holy land of human reproduction 30000 years ago. in1923, french paleontologists de rijin and sang zhihua discovered a prehistoriccultural site here. through excavation, a large number of stone tools and animalfossils were unearthed. therefore, shuidonggou became the earliest paleolithiccultural site in china, known as "the birthplace of chinese prehistoricarchaeology" and "the historical witness of cultural exchanges between china andthe west". in 1988, it was listed as a national key cultural relics protectionunit, and in 20__, it was rated as aaaaa tourist attraction by the nationaltourism administration.

dear tourists, shuidonggou site records the historical witness of ancienthuman reproduction and struggle with nature, and contains rich and preciousprehistoric materials. it is the only paleolithic site officially excavated inthe yellow river area in china so far. over the past 80 years, through sixarchaeological excavations, more than 30000 stone tools and 67 fossil animalshave been unearthed in shuidonggou. among them, some stone products, tools andstone making and repairing techniques, which form the basis of shuidonggouculture, can be compared with the stone tools of moste and orina periods ineurope, west asia and north africa. in particular, a large number of lewalowastone cores unearthed are close to the shape of orina culture, which is quiteancient in europe. for this phenomenon of distant distance and culturalsimilarity, foreign famous archaeologists believe that it is "the assimilationeffect of human long-distance migration". the culture represented by shuidonggousite plays an important role in the study of the origin of regional stonetechnology tradition, the excavation and variation of ancient culture, and themigration, diffusion and exchange of late renewal human beings in northeastasia. it is of great significance to the comparative study of eastern andwestern cultures more than 30000 years ago.

dear tourists, shuidonggou area is also a grand view garden of militarydefense buildings in northern china, such as the ming dynasty great wall,beacon, castle, gully, pier, etc. in the nature reserve, the great wall windingeastward, the mound and hough towering on the high platform, the simple andmysterious castle, and the winding and deep ditch make people dizzy. it makespeople think of the heroic scene of "the first soldiers holding spears to fightagainst the base, and the general pulling out swords to chase hu soldiers".shuidonggou is located in the southern margin of ordos platform. the yadanlandform created by nature makes it full of powerful and peculiar charm ofbarren valley. after tens of millions of years of wind and sand carving anderosion, there are more than 20 unique native forest landscapes, such as ghostcity, wotuoling, motianya, duanyungu, tamarix valley, etc., which make peoplemarvel at the sight and sigh at the end of time. after more than two years ofdevelopment and construction, shuidonggou tourist area has become a tourist areaintegrating tourism, scientific investigation, leisure and entertainment, andmilitary exploration. with the opening of shuidonggou site museum, shuidonggouscenic area has added new highlights.

dear tourist friends, now we come to the most mysterious tibetan soldiercave in shuidonggou. now we see a black hole on the cliff, which is the famoustibetan soldier cave. the so-called tibetan soldier cave is a tunnel where thegarrison of hongshanbao turns from the ground to the ground, conceals the army,protects itself, waits for an opportunity to attack, or sets up an ambush in anopen place. this is the only and most complete ancient three-dimensionalmilitary defense system in china. in the defense system of the great wall of ourcountry, the great wall, the castle and the underground hiding soldier cave areclosely linked, but they are not in the whole country. this is the onlyplace.

the tibetans cave, now in front of you, is the earliest tunnel warfare siteand prototype in china. if we can say that the tunnel warfare between the eighthroute army and the guerrillas during the anti japanese war can make the enemyscared, we can imagine that more than 500 years ago, the frontier garrison ofthe ming dynasty blocked the invaders out of the great wall with the same wisdomand courage. in the past, due to the lack of development, there was no conditionto enter the cave for sightseeing. people only know that the road of zangbingcave is like a labyrinth. in addition, the cave roof collapses, many places arecovered by soil, there are traps in the cave, and there may be snakes andscorpions. therefore, people dare not go far into the cave. no one can tellexactly what is inside the cave. in this way, the cave becomes a very mysteriousplace for people to fear.

now, we can safely go in and have a good look, but you must follow me andfollow the route guided by the signs to prevent you from getting lost and unableto get out.

we should be extra careful and pay attention to safety!

dear tourists, now we come to shuidonggou ruins museum. the museum, with aconstruction area of 4308 square meters and a shape similar to the stone toolsunearthed from shuidonggou, is the only theme museum in northwest china todisplay the cultural features of the paleolithic age. on the basis of thevisiting function of traditional museums, it integrates artistic, literary andhigh-tech elements. with 270 degree super large halfview, real scene, phantomimaging and other display forms, combined with the application of the world'smost advanced sound, light, electricity, adjustable seismic platform and othertechnologies, it truly reproduces the happy fishing and hunting life of ancientpeople 30000 years ago, the production scene of making stone tools, and theheart shaking disaster scenes such as rainstorm, flood, landslides, etc., withbeautiful and realistic images the artistic conception makes tourists quicklyintegrate into the 30000 year life scene. 30000 years is a long time, but inshuidonggou museum, time is no longer a distance. high technology allows you totravel 30000 years in an instant. it creates a new form of museum exhibition inchina, and is the only and largest indoor audience's interactive experiencepavilion in china.



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