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一、名词(n.) 表示人、事物或抽象概念的名称的词






专有名词表示个人、地方、机构、组织等。如:tom,the great wall,the spring festival,france,the united states)













①,.tomato—tomatoes,potato—potatoes, hero—heroes negro ——negroes mongo——mongoesp

②结尾是两个元音字母的加s,—zoos,radio——radios ③某些外来词变复数时词尾加s,eg. piano—pianos



⑤zero变复数时,既可加s,也可加 /zeroes


——wives,leaf leaves,half——halves,knife—knives,thief——thieves(res读音为[vz]

(注意:roof的复数为roofs; scarf的复数为scarfs/scarves)


——men,woman——women,policeman——policemen,englishman——englishmen,frenchman——frenchmen, foot——feet, tooth——teeth,







apple tree,five apple trees,a girl friend,two girl friends,a twin sister 但是,当man和woman作定语修饰复数名词时,就要用其复数形式。

men teachers,three women doctors


eg.a room of students,two boxes of pencils


(1)表不定数量时,一般用much,(a)little,a lot of/lots of,some,any等词修饰。 eg,much money,a little bread


eg.a bag of rice,two glasses of milk,four bottles of water


eg: fruit水果——fruits表示不同种类的水果;food食物——foods各种食品;fish鱼——fishes鱼的种类;drink饮料、酒——a drink一杯/一份饮料、一杯酒; cloth布——,a cloth桌布、抹布; sand沙——sands沙滩; tea茶——a tea一杯茶;chicken鸡肉——a chicken小鸡;orange橘汁——an orange橘子; glass玻璃——a glass玻璃杯,glasses眼镜; paper纸——a paper试卷、论文;wood木头——a wood小森林;room空间、余地——a room房间


(1)有生命的名词所有格以及表示时间、距离、城镇、国家等的名词所有格。 ①不是以s结尾的名词变成所有格时,在词尾加’s.

’s watch;women’s day




and mike’s room汤姆和迈克的房间(表示汤姆和迈克共有一间房) ④两个或两个以上名词并列,表示分别所有,需在几个名词后都加’s.

’s and jenny’s bikes玛丽和詹妮的自行车(表示玛丽和詹妮各自的自行车)


eg.a map of china,the beginning of this game,the door of the room



boy’s name=the name of the boy(男孩的名字)

the dog’s legs=the legs of the dog(狗的腿)

china’s population=the population of china(中国的人口)

china’s capital=the capital of china(中国的首都)


eg.a fiend of my mother’s我妈妈的一个朋友

a picture of tom’s汤姆的一张图片







1) and 和


(错) they sat down and talk about something.

(错) they started to dance and sang.

(错) i saw two men sitting behind and whisper there.

(对) they sat down and talked about something.

(对) they started to dance and sing.

(对)i saw two men sitting behind and whispering there.


第一句: and 连接两个并列的谓语,所以 talk 应改为 talked。

第二句:and 连接两个并列的动词不定式,第二个不定式往往省略to,因此sang 应改为 sing。

第三句:and 连接感观动词saw 后面的用作的宾补的两个并列分词结构,因此whisper应改为whispering。

注意:1. and 还可以和祈使句或名词词组连用表示条件。(or也有此用法) make up your mind, and youll get the chance.

= if you make up your mind, youll get the chance.

one more effort, and youll succeed.

= if you make one more effort, youll succeed

2, a and b 当表示整体或者指同一人时谓语动词用单数, 当and连接的单数名词前分别有each,every,many等词修饰时,谓语也用单数。

bread and butter a knife and fork

the mother and teacher is very strict with her son.

no teacher and no student is allowed to smoke in class.

3. and连接的是两个相同意思的词,表示―渐渐‖,或加强语气

read it again and again

2) both …and 两者都

she plays (both) the piano and the guitar.

3) neither…nor 意思为“既不……也不……”谓语动词采用就近原则,与nor后的词保持一致。

neither you nor he is to blame.

4) not only…but (also)不但······而且······

she plays not only the piano, but (also) the guitar.

注意: not only… but also 关联两个分句时,一个分句因有否定词not 而必须倒装。 not only does he like reading stories, but also he can even write some.

5) as well as 以及,也,与···同样

the teacher, as well as the students, is interested in the activity.


1) 并列结构中,or通常用于否定句,and用于肯定句。

2) 但有时and 也可用于否定句。请注意其不同特点:

there is no air or water in the moon.

there is no air and no water on the moon.

在否定中并列结构用or 连接,但含有两个否定词的句子实际被看作是肯定结构,因此要用and。


1) or 意思为“或则”。

which do you prefer, tea, coffee, or juice ?

2) either…or 意思为“或者……或者 ……”。注意谓语动词采用就近原则。 either you or i am right.

3) or else/ otherwise 否则

be silent, or else you will be kicked out.

i am tired, otherwise, i would play.


1) but 但是 he is rich but unhappy.

while 然而,表示对比意味 some people love cats, while others hate them. yet 然而 she said she would be late, yet she arrived on time.

however 然而,可是,不过 she does not like him, however, i like him.

2) not…but… 意思为“不是 ……而是……”

not 和but 后面的用词要遵循一致原则。

they were not the bones of an animal, but (the bones) of a human being. 第四类表因果关系的连词

1) for 因为,做并列连词使用时,是在对先行的句子补述原因或者理由,只可以连接句子与句子,通常不置于句首。

he is absent today, for he is ill.

2) so, therefore 因此

he hurt his leg, so he couldnt play in the game.

i think, therefore i am

3)then 那么,因而

hide behind the wall, then they won’t see you.


lesson 26

一. teaching time:


lesson time:

ng aims and demands:

(一)1. four skills: month, january, february, march, april.

2. three skills: january is the first month of the year.

3. let's make and talk.

制作相册。要求用以下句式进行交流:it’s january. she is skating. in march, the children plant trees.

4. let's read and chant.

(二)teaching affection

1. to promote ss’ interest and confidence.

2. to teach the ss how to say the first month to fourth month of the year.

ng important points and difficult points:

1. words: month, january, february, march, april.

2. sentence: january is the first month of the year.

ng methods:

1. communication teaching method.

2. direct teaching method.

3. reading and writing.

4. tpr.

ng aids:




type: new lesson

ng steps:

1. warming-up / revision (3’)

1)sing a song: months of the year.

2)review the words : january, february, march, april.

2. presentation (20 ’)

1)教师提问学生的生日:whose birthday is in january / february / march/ april? 让生日在1~4月的学生到前边逐个介绍自己的生日,例如:hi! i'm birthday is in january.让下面的学生注意听,尽力记住每个人的生日月份(不能用笔记录)。然后学生按任意顺序站成一排,让下面的学生凭记忆说出他们的生日。从第一个开始,教师说this is .... start! 学生开始抢答,答对者得一分。看看谁的瞬间记忆好。

2)把数量相等的1~4月的英语单词分别写在纸条上,然后学生抽签得到自己的月份,按照月份分成小组,以月份名称为组名,如january group;各小组讨论在自己的月份里有哪些节日,学校有哪些活动,周围的人会进行哪些活动。用英语记下来,不会的可以用图画表示。最后向全班介绍展示讨论结果。

3)just write.

3. practice (17 ’)

1)教师请学生分成小组完成学生用书第50页的制作讨论活动。鼓励学生联想以前学过的句型来交流,例:who is this? where is he / she? do you like ... ?

2)let's read and chant

4. assessment

finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. additional activities/homework

1)finish the activity book.


八. blackboard design:

lesson 27

一. teaching time:


lesson time:

ng aims and demands:


(二)teaching affection

1. to promote ss’ interest and confidence.

2. to develop ss’ ability of listening and reading.

ng important points and difficult points:

(一) 学习如何用英语说出5—8月。

(二)may is the fifth month of the year.

june is the sixth month of the year.

july is the seventh month of the year.

august is the eighth month of the year.

ng methods:

1. situational teaching method.

2. direct teaching method.

3. listening and reading.

ng aids:





type: new lesson

ng steps:

1. warming-up / revision (3’)

1)sing a song: months of the year.

2)review the words and sentences about january, february, march, april.

2. presentation (17 ’)


2)talk about mouth. 请学生说出有关5~8月的相关信息,比如节日等,引导学生探究学习,并给予学生及时的鼓励。

3)look, listen and read by themselves.


2.t:do you know what months they are talking about? please read by yourselves and find the names of the months.

4)listen to the tape again and repeat.


3. practice (15 ’)

1)ask and answer. practise in pairs.

which is the fifth month of the year?

what holiday is in may?

which is the sixth month of the year?

what holiday is in june?

which is the seventh month of the year?

what holiday is in july?

which is the eighth month of the year?

what holiday is in august?

2)play a game.

猜月份游戏。学生四人一组,每个小组发一张白纸,要求每组裁成四小张,每张写上5—8月的英文,然后把反面扣在桌上,学生一个一个来猜,每个学生猜一张,先说英语单词,再翻开卡片,看到单词再说一个句子,例: may is the fifth month of the year.猜对并句子说对的学生赢的卡片,谁卡片多,谁是冠军。


4. assessment (5 ’)

1. 小组讨论完毕,每组派一个同学上讲台总结汇报自己小组最喜欢的月份和节日,教师适当给予奖励。

2. finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. additional activities/homework

1)finish the activity book. ww b1.c om


八. blackboard design:

lesson 28

一. teaching time:


lesson time:

ng aims and demands:

(一)1. four skills: may, june, july, august, year.

2. three skills: may is the fifth month of the year.

3. let's draw and talk.

分组绘画。要求用以下句式进行交流: when is it? it’s in march. the children are performing.

4. let's read and chant.

(二)teaching affection

1. to promote ss’ interest and confidence.

2. to teach the ss how to say the fifth month to eighth month of the year.

ng important points and difficult points:

1. words: may, june, july, august, year.

2. sentence: may is the fifth month of the year.

ng methods:

1. communication teaching method.

2. direct teaching method.

3. reading and drawing.

4. tpr.

ng aids:

1. 准备硬纸片;数量相等的5~8月的小纸条,按照学生人数准备每人一套。

2. 准备图画纸和彩笔。

3. 学生准备几张照片,是有5~8月日期的或是能反映出时间的。

4. 准备教师卡片和录音磁带。

type: new lesson

ng steps:

1. warming-up / revision (7’)

伴着months of the year这首歌曲,分小组作采访汇报:我们小组最喜欢的月份。

2. presentation (15 ’)

1)ask and answer.

t: how many month names have we learnt? yes, we have learnt are january, february, march, and we are going to learn four new month you want to know them? look!

2)t show the card:this is the fifth month of the 's may.领学生读单词,然后读句子:may is the fifth month of the year.


4)play a game:出示5—8月的第一个英语字母,让学生猜是哪一个月份;老师说中文时,让学生说出英语,老师说英语时,让学生说中文,反复练习几次。

5)教师准备放录音:don't 's listen to the carefully and try to remember the names of the months.

6)listen to the tape and repeat.

7)just write.

3. practice (20 ’)


组织学生分组完成课本第53页的活动。可以分成may group, june group等。小组讨论自己月份的常见活动,然后用图画表现出来。最后小组成员一起编对话,展示给大家。

2)let's read and chant.

4. assessment

finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. additional activities/homework

1)finish the activity book.


八. blackboard design:


people's jobs



(1)复习关于职业的词汇:doctor, teacher, nurse, cook, fireman, driver, policeman, pilot, singer.

(2)学习生词:astronaut, coach, actor (actress), writer.


(1)复习询问他人职业及回答:what does he/she do? he/she is a/an …。

(2)学习询问对方将来想要从事的工作及回答:what do you want to be when you grow up?

i want to be a/an …。

















1.重点词汇:astronaut, coach, actor (actress), writer.

2.重点句型:what do you want to be? i want to be a/an …。









step 1: warm up and lead in

1. oral english

2. sing a song: the wheels on the bus.

3. (课件): look, she is the driver of the bus. her job is driving the bus. do you know “job”? 板书jobs,并介绍课题。

step 2: review some words

1. free talk: what jobs do you know? (can you act as a …?)

2. games:

(1) show some word cards, read and act.

(2) act, ask and guess---what does he/she do?

step 3: presentation:

1. talk about the great people in 20_.

(1) watch the screen and think: who are they? what are their jobs? (通过课件呈现“感动中国”的人物。)

(2) t: they are called the great people in 20_. 他们是被评为“感动中国的20_年度人物中的几个。do you know their names?


(3) watch and listen.

t: what are their jobs? let’s listen. (课件录音完整介绍6个人物的工作和业绩。)

2. learn the new word by the students themselves.

(1)示范pair work: listen, look, match and read. (示范过程中学习生词:coach---c-oa-ch---coach)


t: ok. boys and girls take out your paper and practice with your partner, please. if there are some new words for you, you can use your dictionary(出示字典), go to listen to the tape or teach each other.



3. introduce them in the front.

t: who wants to come here and introduce one of them to us? please listen carefully and check your answers.(学生活动:自愿前来介绍一个人物。)


4. 相应单词的练习


(1) pronunciation: astronaut---an astronaut.

(2) practice (pass the picture and ask) what does he do? he is an astronaut.


(1) t: can you act as a writer? 引导学生练习: writer---writer

(2) t: what other writers do you know?


(1) t: who’s your favorite actor? (根据学生的回答介绍:actress)

(2) t: do you want to be an actor or actress? why?

5. learn the sentence patterns.

(1) t: they are all the great people in china. we will always remember them. do you want to be one of them? what do you want to be when you grow up? you can say: i want to be …。 (出示句卡,带读,板书)

(2) t: what about my daughter? can you ask her?

(出示句卡,学习问句,板书) want---want to be---what do you want to be---grow up---when you grow up---what do you want to be when you grow up?

(3) 课件:播放录音---妞妞的回答

(4) practice: pair work; show in the front.

step 4: reinforcement --- talk about the most popular job.

t: e_cellent! you have so many wonderful dreams for your future job. what is the most popular job in our class? let’s finish a questionnaire.

(1) model;

(2) 小组调查;

(3) 各小组填写结果;

(4) 汇总全班调查结果

t: the most popular job in our class is ________. why do you want to be a/an …?

step 5: summary

t: how can you make your dream to be true? what can you do for your dream?

please remember: where there is a will, there is a way. (课件呈现)

step 6: homework

talk about your dream job with your parents.



